Tuesday, September 01, 2009

I know, I know........

Yes, I am terribly aware that I am so far behind on updating you all on the excitement of my life! And boy is it ever exciting, but you will have to keep waiting.  Why?  Because I started school last week and I am in the middle of my I just started school and I feel like the stupidest person in the world mode. And I am wondering how I am ever going to survive this semester with my sanity, and I am grouchy, and I feel like crying, and we started soccer, and I have a young women's calling and I have to teach the combined lesson this week which causes me much anxiety, and I am frustrated with my online statistics class cause my lab book is not in stock yet and the class website is not working correctly, and...... and..... and.... my pity party list could go on and on and on.  Do you get the point?  To sum it up, right now I pretty much feel like a walking headache.  So I am going to take probably more tylenol PM than a girl should (don't take this part seriously, I am only taking 3) and hope for some much needed sleep because the last two nights have been spent tossing and turning and tossing and turning and Ava up crying because of bad dreams. Wish me luck people, it is going to be a wild ride!


Anna said...

Well,dang I was going to ask you if you would send me that picture of Evie, but nevermind....I'm sorry you're having such a crap time. Love ya!

Grammy said...

Jewels, I would sing you the angel lullabye if I could. That used to help you sleep...