I spent too many years believing that choices a made only affected my life. Boy was I wrong!! I have learned that what we may think are small insignificant things, really make a difference in the lives of people around us. I think that the biggest thing that we can do to positively affect the poeple that we come into contact with is to treat everyone the way Christ would. We tend to lose sight of this in our daily lives, but I am sure that if we keep it on our minds all the time that our lives will be blessed. Sometimes we are faced with situations where this may change the life of even one precious soul. I was talking with some women that I work with. They told me about some events where the actions of people adversly affected there lives and led them to make decisions that will affect their eternal lives. Yes, I know that we all make our own choices and that they ulitmately chose to make the decisions that they made, but I strongly believe that had certain individuals had taken the time to really care about them, the our Father in Heaven cares about them, they could have helped ease the burden of the trails they were facing. I am so blessed that my situation hasn't been similar. When I was dealing with consequences of poor decision in my own life my family and friends embraced me, and said what is yours is mine and we will bare it together. It is my prayer that the next time any of us is faced with a situation where someone is going through something in there lives, regardless of wether or not it is in accordance with our beliefs that we will help them and love them unconditionaly! Remeber, you have the opportunity to affect eternity everyday!