Sunday, September 07, 2008

Makin me laugh.......

Ava is getting pretty good at saying her prayers without much guidance from me. She always wants me to get her started but then she kind of just takes off on her own. A couple of weeks ago I had a talk with her about sitting quietly before she starts praying to think about the things that were in her heart and what she wanted to talk to her Father in Heaven about. So last night while say her prayers she bless me to listen to her and do what she says! I burst out laughing and was immediately scolded for not being reverent. But seriously it was just so funny to me. I usually prompt her for help in being obedient and choosing the right, I guess she felt I needed a little help in listening to her. She never ceases to keep thing interesting around here.


Grammy said...

That is hilarious! Are you going to make sure that prayer is answered?

Tori said...

I love moments like almost makes you think that our Heavenly Father definetly has a sense of humor...!!! That Ava is such a cute little stink!

heidi said...

i think some guidance from a 4 year old is exactly what you need in your life, all of us probably.
She is too cute.

mandy said...

She is so dang cute. Those are such fun things to look back on and remember one day.

Chris Grover said...

ok, that is sooo funny! how can you argue with that?! can't you just picture Heavenly Father up there with the biggest smile on His face!? it's no wonder you had to laugh! too cute!

Carlotta said...

Seriously how would you NOT laugh, that would be a knee jerk reaction! I would have probably peed my pants! That's awesome! I love the prayers of a child. So untainted and from the heart. One time Aly prayed for those that smoke to be able to stop. I had to open one of my eyes to look at her. She then looked at me and told me to close my eyes! Kids are great and Ava is looking more like you every day!

Heidi Sue said...

I can't believe how big she is getting.You can't help but laugh, Those are the best moments. I kept a journal for each child and when they said something funny I would write it down.

britt said...

that is soo cute! We continue to learn from our kids in unexpected ways, don't we???

The Skinners said...

thats so cute. She makes me laugh. She is so full of personality, and is so beautiful!!

Kori said...

Little one's prayers are the best and you know they go straight to the Lord's ears!

Could you please email me your address so I can send you a thank you note (sorry, the surprise is spoiled!).