Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Another year......

I am officially 28 today...........
I am not quite sure how I feel about this but here are a few of my thoughts on the subject:
After today I only have 1 twenty something birthday left
I am glad to be done with year 27 of my life, it was not my favorite year
I don't feel like I am 28 90% of the time and it kinda freaks me out that maybe I should act more "grown up"
The good thing about growing older is that I feel more comfortable with who I am and where I have been.
I am kinda like a fine wine..... I just get better with time! (that was supposed to be funny, just in case you took me seriously)
I had a great day!  I got up this morning and had the greatest massage.  It was just what I needed :)  After that I made a quick stop at Express (one of my most favorite places), had a great lunch at Happy Sumo with my Dad and TR.  After that I went to Katie's where she had 6 gourmet cupcakes waiting for me.  They are delicious!!!!!!  She also got me the most awesome purse EVER! Seriously I have been wanting a purse like the one she got for months and months. I will post some pictures of it in the very near future.  Then Sharon and I went to the Bountiful temple together, awesome :)  Next stop was the Texas Roadhouse with Sharon, Brad and Tyler.  The joke of the night was wether or not I was going to take a ride in the saddle, but I was off the hook cause Tyler was in pain from his recent knee surgery.  Now, I am sitting very contently on my coach eating really cute and delicious cupcakes drinking a diet Dr. Pepper and watching Sex in the City....... What more could a girl ask for?  Other than hugs and cuddles from Ava, nothing.  I am perfectly content and I am so excited to be starting a new year!  I have some goals that I am really excited about, more about that to come :)  Thanks to everyone who helped make me feel loved today.  I am very blessed :)

Stay tuned for updates from our trip to California last week......


Anna said...

Ahhh! Happy birthday! I knew that I was forgetting something yesterday! I wish that I was there to watch some S & the City with you, that was always fun. We still need to go to Julie and Julia too. How was CA?

Unknown said...

We love you more than our luggage! Glad you had a good day.

Kori said...

What a fun day. Happy Birthday!

Tammy said...

So glad you had a great birthday. You deserve it. About the age thing, never grow up, that's what makes you so much fun. I'm trying really hard not to myself.

Grammy said...
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Unknown said...

aw congrats and happy birthday! i hope 28 is the best yet! ♥

Janessa Couch said...

You are such a sweet girl. I hope that 28 is a wonderful year for you because you deserve the absolute best. You are such a great example to me Julie. So glad to be able to call you a friend!

Chris Grover said...

i always think of you since our bday's are so close! sounds like it was a perfect day and you deserve it!

Grammy said...

So, my Jewels, I can't believe it has been 28 years since we first met in mortality. I feel like we go back way before that. It has been such a privilege to be your mom. You never cease to amaze me. I love the person you have always been, and that you have grown in to. Thanks for keeping me close to your heart.