Saturday, October 11, 2008

Just some thoughts.........

I know that I have not been very attentive to my blog lately. I guess it just seems like there is a storm raging in my life right now and I feel like I would be giving the wrong impression with "happy" posts. I was thinking yesterday about how sometimes my blog can give such a one sided version of my life and wether or not that makes me a liar. But in my pondering I decided that it is a great way to for me to focus and the daily things that do bring joy into my life, because while my life is not always "perfect" it is still happy. I think that it is important to share the good because it does give me a way to remember it. I feel like it is so easy to remember the hard things in life and that it is way to easy to forget the day to day things that make me smile or laugh. This quote was on a blog that I read everyday and I wanted to share it on my blog because it really struck home with me today!

"Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions"


Tori said...

I totally understand you on those's hard to realize that even though we post the happy things in our lives doesn't mean everything is always perfect or that we are hypocrites [because we all do that]...but I think it just shows that you like to focus on the good in your life and the things that make you happy! I hope everything is going well...let me know if you need anything!

britt said...

I completely agree with this post Julie. I feel like I post the same way, LOTS of positive and not much of the negative. But in the end, THAT is what I want to remember!

Kori said...

Hope you are doing okay. I've missed your updated posts. It's definitely good to focus on all of the good in your life but, sometimes it can be rather theraputic to talk about the bad(because we all experience it!). I'm sure things will be on the up and up soon, you deserve only the best. Love ya, let me know if you need anyting.

Chris Grover said...

jules, i'm sorry you are having some difficult times right now. it IS hard to give a realistic glimpse into our lives on these blogs, but i think there is definitely something to trying to find the positive in life, especially when things are difficult. even when i have to force myself, i always seem to find some strength from counting my blessings. let me know if you need anything.

Grammy said...

Jewels, you are quite profound in your thoughts. It is true that we can always find joy, if that is what we are seeking. Even in just the simple events of each day. And remember, sometimes our personal storms are just that - personal! There are lessons that only we can learn from our experiences and our hard things in life. Just know that there are those that love you all the way - even through those stormy times. Some people are more easily upset by our storms, and they may choose to distance themselves from the termoil, but it does not mean they do not love us. They just have to love us from a distance sometimes. And there are those that will get up close and try to help you "hold down the fort" when the strong winds blow. We need both kinds of love, Julie. I know that I have given both kinds of love, at different times, to those who fall under my umbrella.