Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A new chapter........

This is my blog and it is just my small place in the world to share myself. Many people use there blogs for different reasons. I have decided that I want mine to share the story of my journey. Not just parts of it, but ALL of it. Not because I think that any one else might find it important but because I do and because some day my daughter will too. There are so many things that I want to teach her and I think that one day reading these stories will help her to know a side of me that she might not otherwise see. So from now on I will not sensor the bad from the good because life does not work that way. Hopefully my experiences might touch some one else either by making them smile, laugh, cry, or feel stronger in some way. So here it goes........ this is my story!
As you all know I am a single mom. It is amazing and heart wrenching at the same time. I want so much for my daughter to have what is considered a "normal" family. So at the beginning of this year I decided it was time to put myself out there. You know, out there into the scary world of dating. Dating is exhausting to say the least! But seriously people, while I know that Ava and I can be happy and fulfilled with just the two of us life is too wonderful not to spend it with some one!
It took a little time but finally I had some interested fellows. It was all in place the big first date in over a year. And guess what happened......... he didn't show up. Yep I got stood up! I think it was one of the most humiliating things that has ever happened to me. I was all dressed for a night out on the town and was left sitting there alone. I was discouraged and I was ready to just give up. Who wants to willingly subject themselves to rejection like that. It can be quite devastating to ones self esteem. I sat and contemplated what my next move would be. My hasty decision would have been to just walk away and quit. But I didn't. I decided that finding love would be worth taking some blows to my ego.
The next day I wrote a message to a boy. It started out casual and then grew into something much bigger. I would wake up every morning with the anticipation of seeing his name on the inbox of my email and then I would read his words (most of the time more than once). I can't really explain it cause it just sounds crazy, but I feel like every word spoke to my heart. I fell for this boy, I fell hard. And as all my faithful readers now I went to Hawaii and met him. I kept all of the quiet for some time because I didn't want to share any news too hastily. He was all I imagined him to be and then some. He came home to Utah soon after that and we just couldn't get enough of each other. Having him love me back made me happiest I have been a really really long time.
I thought for sure my dreams were coming true, that finally my prayers were being answered. Turns out I was wrong. On Sunday that boy walked out of my life. The reasons don't really matter, but all the same there were two girls left sitting on the front porch in tears. Tears that have lasted for days now. So today I am sad. Even though the word doesn't seem to do what I am feeling justice any other word just sounds dramatic. So sad it is and sad I am. So sad that putting on a fake smile for the sake of my beautiful Ava hurts. So sad that I have shed tears multiple times in public (don't judge me! and those of you who really know me know that any show of emotions in public like this is always avoided at all costs). So sad that I sat on the couch with a pound of fudge in front of me last night and I didn't even eat on bite. So sad that even my i pod offered no comfort. I will probably be sad for a long time. But the point is, is that I know I will be okay. Because I know that the heart of life is good and that one day when some thing is really funny I will laugh and that it won't hurt.
So if you are wondering what I will do next here is the answer. I am going to let myself be sad. I am going to get out of bed everyday and go through the motions and try to smile without hurting. I am going to jump back in the saddle again and find the guy for me. Because I know that he is out there waiting for me. Some one will love me the way that I need to be loved. I have faith in that! Send some good karma out into the universe for me! And of course any eligible bachelors my way because I am only getting older! LIfe is too short and I promise not cry on any dates! I will save that for after ;) I am going to do this most of all to teach my girl that when life knocks you down and you feel like curling up into a ball and not moving that you get up and move any way.


Adrienne Hansen said...

Julie! I'm so sorry! He is crazy and doesn't know what he's missing out on! :( I hope that you will be able to move on quickly and be happy again soon! If you need anything let me know!

Amy said...

Julie-- I am sending out so much good karma for you. Hang in there. I am sorry your heart is broken. The right guy for you is out there ... you just have to find him...

Thinking of you!!!

Unknown said...

This is some of the story- but you forgot some too- the part where you know you deserve the very best now and for eternity! Don't forget that. WE love you and as Cher says "Do you believe in Life after love" and I say- Yest

Grammy said...

My beautiful Jewels. When you are sad, I am sad with you. After all, I have a very strict rule: "no one is allowed to cry alone in my presence." I am so sorry that you got hurt in this deal. But you are STRONG, you are BEAUTIFUL, you are AMAZING, you are TALENTED, DETERMINED, and someone out there is going to one heck of a lucky guy to find you and share your life. I know he is out there for you somewhere. The important thing right now is for you to be the right one. I know I have said that before ;o) so it must be true! Just bide your time - notice I did list PATIENT up there? Make it a new strength! I love you so much! My prayers and love are always with you, and my sweet Ava, too.

Jamie and Family said...

I am so, so sad that you are hurting so bad.

If only you could see yourself the way others see you.

Thanks for sharing your (true) feelings. Love you lots!

Kori said...

I've been wondering about you. I wish the update was of a happy nature but, just think, when you meet the right guy, this whole experience will seem like a happy one because you made the right decision. Thanks so much for the inspiration! You are such a strong person and will bounce back sooner than you think.

Suggestion for stress relief:
Go to a haunted house and scream your head off! I myself could use a good scream so if you want to go, give me a call!

Heidi Sue said...

Julie, I am so sorry. I know you are strong and you will get through this. It may take some time but you will be happy again. I know in my heart that you will find Mr. Right, and You will live Happily Ever After. Hang in there

The Skinners said...

I think that one day he will look back and wonder what in the world he did walking away from two amazing girls. I think that being willing to give your heart and have it broken will be so worth it when you find the right one. Hes out there... maybe he just got his heart broken too?

britt said...

I too am so very sad for you and the situation you are left in. It is a hard one in so many ways! But you do deserve the best, which must be better than what you had! Hang in there, as hard as it will be, because this too shall pass and the grass will get greener!
Love to you

Janet said...

Look at it this way. You got to go to Hawaii:) He is not the only fish in the sea. Love you!

Kelly said...

Keep reading - the next chapter in your life will bring a new perspective and understanding. You are loved!

heidi said...

Sorry your hurting, I hope it gets better soon. You really are a wonderful person who has lots to offer, hopefully what doesn't kill us really does make us stronger.

Krystal said...

I'm so sorry. I think you are so strong, and amazing. To share such a sad, and hard time in your life, and yet be able to say it hurts, and your sad, and yes you are going to feel it all, but in the end you'll be ok shows me how truly amazing you are. Like so many have said before, your man is out there, you just have to find him. So hang in there, good luck, and remember Ave and you deserve the best!

Chris Grover said...

jules, you are so wise and experiences like this, though incredibly difficult, only make you wiser. i'm so, so sad for you and so sorry that with the good stuff sometimes comes the really crappy stuff too. it's ok to cry, for sure, because you need to FEEL your real emotions. but at the end of the day, just know that you have so many people loving you and supporting you and rooting for you. most importantly, your Heavenly Father. i'm praying your happier days return real soon.

mandy said...

Julie I am so sorry. I know that your mister right is out there. You are such a good mom and Ava is so lucky to have you. Keep smiling we LOVE ya.

Allan and Diane said...

Julie---having that mothering instinct for you makes my heart ache also. You have risen above BIG trials in the past and you will weather this storm well and be an example of faith and perseverance to us all.