Sunday, October 11, 2009

Elder Robinson and other happenings in Costa Rica

My sister Katie has a brother in law serving a mission in Costa Rica so I was sent with a package to deliver to him. He is serving near San Jose, the city we flew into, so it worked out perfectly. We checked 3 bags when we left salt lake city. Sharons bag, my bag and a package for Elder Robinson. The package was the only thing that arrived in Costa Rica with us last night. Sharon's bag made it to Atlanta and mine ended up in San Francisco some how. Luckily Sharon's bag arrived this afternoon, but I will hopefully be getting mine tomorrow afternoon. This has put quite a damper on our plans. I feel like we lost the whole day today dealing with our luggage issues. Luckily there is a huge mall right near where we are staying so I was able to go and get some makeup and some supplies to try and calm down the frizz that is taking over my head. I swear I looked like a lion when I woke up this morning! Humidity is not kind to my hair :)

We planned to meet Elder Robinson and his companion at 6pm tonight in a park in front of a Catholic Church in the town he is currently serving in. Luckily the man working in the gift shop at our hotel lived in that same city and plugged it into our GPS for us. It was the first place we went without getting lost one time! It was so fun to see Casey! He had the biggest smile on his face the whole time. He asked how all of Katie and Ryan's kids were doing and was so excited to hear the details I had to offer. Katie sent a special letter for him with pictures of the newest addition and I forgot to bring it. I felt so bad, but got his address and will mail it tomorrow so he should get it pretty quickly. We laughed when I gave him the box because it was a wine box. How funny to bring a missionary a wine box. :) Casey said how good it was to see some one that he knew and could speak English with. He was just glowing the whole time. He told us that one of their investigators was baptised last week in the ocean. How cool would that be?

I am thankful that we got to see Casey and feel of his spirit. I couldn't help but think how lucky his family is for his example.

We have plans to head up to Arenal to see the volcano there. It is supposed to be amazing if the clouds are not blocking the veiw of the top. It is a very active volcano so it should be interesing. I told Sharon we are going with my bag or without it. If the bag doesn't make it on the flight tomorrow I will just make due with the clothing I had in my carry on. This could be interesting, but what else can we do? I am not wasting any more of my vacation waiting around for a suitcase :)


Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I totally cried when I saw the pictures. We miss that guy so much. You are awesome for taking the time to do that. And I LOVE your lion hair:)

Janessa Couch said...

That is cool that you were able to see him on his mission and what a huge care package, I would have a smile on my face too. :)

Once we were on an airplane and saw our luggage getting onto another plane through the window, it was so frustrating. I hope that it comes real soon and that you can just have a relaxing time.

Anna said...

Have fun!!! Hopefully there's no potholes that have your name on them! Have a blast and keep posting, even though i'm jealous I still want to see the pictures!

Grammy said...

You adventure has begun! You will never forget this trip, that's for sure! How wonderful that you got to see Casey and deliver his love package from home. Hope the rest of your trip is wonderful. I have always wanted to see a volcano.