Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Little Miss Social....

If you have ever met Ava you know that she is quite the conversationalist. In fact Katie's neighbor told me that Ava talks like a 15 year old. She is rarely shy and seems to make friends every where we go. Way back in early May Sharon, Ava and I went shopping cause I wanted something new to wear for my graduation. Well, Ava was a good sport for awhile but was tiring out before I was having any luck. She made this new friend while at Nordstrom. Sharon discretely took a picture of those two deep in conversation. The guy was color blind and was explaining to Ava all about it. So she would point to something and ask him what color it was and so forth. So funny! We even gave his wife our opinion the jeans she was trying on. Gotta love Ava! She definitely keeps life interesting :)


Unknown said...

HA HA HA- so funny. She is great!

Ryan and Mandi said...

She really is too funny! Darek has been asking for her the last couple days. I think that he associates school being in session with daycare kids coming over. Caitlin has come the past few days and when she gets here he asks when Ava is coming. It's pretty cute.

Sharon said...

She cracked me up that day. She acted like she had known him forever. He was so patient to answer all of her questions on color blindness. :)

Grammy said...

They say it takes a village...

Becca's Bologna said...

Haha oh how I love miss Ava. There is a little girl in the coop class I TA in that looks exactly like her. I always miss her when im in there.