Sunday, August 08, 2010

My sister....

I was going through one of my boxes of pictures today looking for something to use in my Sunday school class and came across this card Katie sent me her first year away......
I read it and laughed at what was going on in both of our lives 14 long years ago. My sister had a boyfriend names Chris who was so freakin tall and didn't like rap music. We should have known it would never work out when he couldn't get down to Ton Loc with us, Ha! Reading this made me realize that Katie has always loved me and cared about me, even was dumb 14 year old and she was off on her own adventures. In that card she told me that just like the girls on the this card she would stand by me and hold my hand no matter what. I didn't know just how true that statement was all those years ago, but today I realized that she has kept her word. She may never hesitate to tell me what she thinks, and we may fight it out sometimes like sisters do, but she has always been there to stand by me and hold me hand, even when she wondered if I would ever get my crap together. I love her for that. That is what being a friend and a sister is all about!


Unknown said...

First- I am laughing so hard about Chris- you know you wanted to put that he wore flood pants too HA HA. I love you too- we were meant to be sisters for sure:)

Janessa Couch said...

That is so sweet. I love my special bond with my sisters, there is nothing like it!!

Heidi Sue said...

I have always admired your relationship. You guys are lucky to have each other. What a great way to spend your life. With your sister as your best friend.

Kori said...

I feel super lucky to have a sister. They are the best friend you could ever ask for!

Grammy said...

Katie always wanted a sister. She was so excited when you came along. You two have always had a very special relationship, for which I am grateful.I love that saying: Sisters by chance, friends by choice.

The Skinners said...

Sisters are the BEST!