Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Two Special Guys

Ava and Brad cleaning the mirror!

Being a single mother I have often worried about who will be a great male role model for her. I know that of course her father will be, he just doesn't have all the characteristics that I think she need in an awesome role model. I am so lucky that Katie is married to such an awesome guy, who lets us tag along on their family outings and spend so much time. Not only does he like us but he has been willing on many occasions to be an example for me and to Ava. I really look up to Ryan and hope that one day my life will be blessed with someone so fun to be around. Ava and I have also been blessed to have Brad become a part of our lives. He is so wonderful to Ava, and to me. He spends time with Ava, giving her much needed attention that I can't always give her. He just plays with her doing whatever she wants . He lets her wash her hands as long as she wants, wash the mirror using as much windex as she want (I never do this), he teases her too! I just love when they get to spend time together. I feel like it fills a gap in her life. Last Sunday Ava and I went to Sharon and Brads for lunch after church. Brad and Ava made silly hats for us all to wear. Then after lunch they disappeared into the bathroom (one of Ava's favorite places to play). They cleaned, which she also very strangely likes to do, then when Sharon inquired on what exactly they were doing for so long Brad's reply was "We've moved on to face washing!" I went to see what exactly this meant, and Ava was wiping his face with a paper towel. It was just too funny. So, Thank you Brad for giving Ava some much needed "fatherly" attention! It means more to me than words can ever express.


Grammy said...

What a darling picture of my little angel! I am so glad that Brad and Sharon have "adopted" you two. They are such amazing people. Treasure friends like these, they don't come along every day. Julie, you are a wonderful mom. Don't ever think that you do not do enough for Ava!

Chris Grover said...

What a blessing to have good people in our lives. Looks like you have quite a few! I'm sure they feel the same way about you and Ava!