Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dirty feet.... and more

The weather today was perfect! The best part about nice weather is wearing flip flops, seriously, I love my flips! There is a down side though, the dirtiest feet at the end of the day. Gross! The picture doesn't even do it justice.....

I had to wake up Ava earlier than normal today. She cracks me up every time I have to wake her up cause she will say "just give me 5 more minutes" and then some times when she is extra tired she will change it to "no 10 more minutes" when I agree to the first 5. Is it me, or is she a little young for this kind of negotiating? I guess she learned it from me. I paid her a quarter yesterday to let me sleep for 30 more minutes. She is a total business woman and asked for the money up front!


Janessa Couch said...

I wish that my kids would do things for a quarter. The other day Hailey asked to clean the car and she wanted $3.00, by the time she was done, she asked for $2 more since it took longer then she thought. These kids!!!

Chris Grover said...

tell me about it! i made a bad move and mowed the lawn yesterday in the flip flops = green, muddy, grassy feet! i think i would surgically attach my flip flops, though, if i could! nothing feels better!

The Skinners said...

Cole loves quarters too... I might have to bribe him to let me sleep longer... good idea!