Friday, April 09, 2010


My youngest nephew is 6 months old! I can hardly believe how fast time flies these days. That little guy is so dang cute! He is so chubby and because of this chubbiness I call him Ruber Band Man, cause his wrists look like they have rubber bands around them. Lately he has been grabbing me by the cheeks and then laying slobbery wet kisses on me. I am totally all right with it! What is better than a slobbery baby kiss? Plus I know that all too soon he will be calling my kisses "nucky" which is Luka's word for yucky. Katie caught this shot of Cannon and I yesterday at the zoo. Man I love this little guy.....


Janessa Couch said...

What a cute picture!

Grammy said...

That is such a sweet picture. He is definitely cute, and so is is favorite auntie.