Monday, June 14, 2010

What really matters....

Last week was a sad week for my family. We lost Mr. B, my uncle. He will be greatly missed and I am so thankful for what his example has meant for my life. I am thankful for the plan of salvation and for the knowledge I have that families are forever. It seriously doesn't get any better than that. Despite the sad circumstances it was fun to have the family all together. It is a rare occasion that we are all together anymore.
All of my Harris cousins, only missing KC who is currently serving a mission
Isn't my Grandpa so cute. I sure do love him :)
My cute sisters and Mom, my favorite ladies to hang with. We always laugh our butts off and I love every minute of it.


Unknown said...

Amen! It was a sad but wonderful day all in one.

Grammy said...

I love laughing with you, too! TI think Mr. B's services were the best I have ever attended. We do have a wonderful family!