Sunday, November 12, 2006

What's New?

It seems likes Ava's birthday is kinda how I gauge time in my life. Since she is turning two next week and we celebrated her birthday this past week, I have been reflecting on how my life has changed over the past year and even over the past two years. Here are a few changes:

Change in the last year
1. My JOB! Whether this is good or bad at this point I can't really say today. There have been so many pluses to my new job, but it has been really stressful for me lately. I have been working between 55-60 hours a week, and it is wearing on Ava and I. The good news is I will probably be hiring a few people this week. Yeah!

2. My hair. It is longer and darker! Actually it is the longest it has been since I was 12.

3. I have gained 25 pounds. AHHHHH, what happened?

4. Ava, she is blossoming by the second! I can't believe how much a kid changes in just one year. It is amazing. There are days when I wish she was this little cuddly new born again, but I do love the person she is becoming. She has the funnest personality! She keeps me on my toes, and I don't know how I was ever even a little bit happy with out her.

Changes in the last two years

1. My area code. Ava was born in Cali and we now live in good old Utah. Definitely a good change. I have been so happy since making this change. I LOVE living near family!

2. I am now active in the church, and I am the Mai Maid advisor. What? Can you imagine me trying to teach 14 and 15 year olds. This seriously scares the crap out of me. Definitely very humbling.

3. The change from being a single 20 something to a being a single mother. Talk about identity crisis. But I have recovered and I am actually learning who I really am. Its weird how that happens. You lose yourself in someone else to find out who you are. Sounds backwards but it is how it really happens.

4. The strengthening of family ties. I think that I have reconnected with members of my family. Katie and I have become closer than ever. I don't know that I could have made it through the last two years without her. She has definitely been one of my biggest supporters and examples through all of these changes. Thanks Katie!


Anonymous said...

You know I love you more than my luggage!

Grammy said...

Julie - what a great post. I am so impress with your level of maturity and understanding. You have made many important changes in your life, and only because YOU wanted to. You have never been one to do something that major just to please someone else. And Katie used my line...You know I love you, etc. Love,Mom

Chris Grover said...

Wow, it's so crazy to think back on even just the most recent years of life and see how much changes! You've had some really big changes, and it's so great to see how amazingly you have handled them! Happy Bday to Ava, too!