Thursday, January 15, 2009

Too Tired!

I really wanted to give the update on how the first week went, but seriously I am too tired to even think straight right now. Ava is still going full speed and I am just so tired I am sitting here pretending to listen to her when really I am just trying to hold my eyes open! I am feeling a little overwhelmed and hopefully I will get that under control tomorrow. I have to sit down and fill out a calendar for the next few weeks so that I know exactly everything I have to get done everyday. I will end by saying that I feel pretty successful with the week. I have kept most of my major goals for myself. My house is still clean. There is not one dirty dish in the sink, one piece of clothing on the floor, jackets are hung, shoes are put away, are you getting the picture? This is BIG for me. I even made my bed 3 out of 4 mornings and even cooked a few meals! I have made it to the gym. I am pretty caught up on reading for the week, but a big chunk of it will get done tomorrow! Most importantly I don't feel like I am running behind schedule.

OH, and one more thing! I totally slipped on a patch of ice while walking to class and fell! It was pretty embarrassing and my knee is a little red and bruised. So, if you needed a little chuckle just imagine me slipping down the hill with my 20lb back pack on. It is funny to me now, but not so much at the time of its happening!


Jamie and Family said...

Your schedule sounds full and slightly overwhelming! Like you said, it's all about not falling behind. I'm always scared of getting sick because it totally throws me off track.

The funny thing about being so busy....sometimes I can look back and see that some of my busiest times were often (not always) also happy times because I didn't have time to be down or depressed!

Wow, good luck keeping it all organized. I can't believe you'll be done at the end of this year. Way to go Julie! It will be so worth it!

Janessa Couch said...

Hang in there, it should get better as you get back into a schedule. I too slid down a hill when I was at college but thankfully no one was around to laugh at me.

Tori said...

Wow sounds like you are going to be pooped come April/May! But I like being busy makes time goe by fast and before you knwo it you'll be done with school!

I also really like the new look of your blog...really cute!

Grammy said...

Way to go Julie! You are totally on track. When you can keep the home organized, there you will find peace. I fell at college, too, but it when I was working in Old Main at USU. I was HUGE pregnant with Katie, and slipped on the stairs. My boss was there, and helped me up. He was very worried, but I was fine. Only bruised my pride. Keep up the good work. And rememer, the goal is in sight!

Kelly said...

I loved visiting with you at the family Christmas party - wish it would have lasted longer. You are such an amazing lady. Keep up the good work!