Saturday, May 09, 2009

Grandma Clark

What an amazing woman! Seriously, I don't think that there is anyone quite as amazing as my Grandma Clark. I will forever be inspired by her optimism and simple joy she had for life. I loved going to my Grandma's house to visit every summer. The drive to Utah felt like it took days! I loved when we would finally pull into her driveway and then run inside to hug and kiss her. Hugs were unlimited from her, which is a definite plus for me. I grew up in California, so we grew up far from family. But, there was one amazing year that my Grandparents came to live in Corcoran. I loved riding my bike to there apartment for a visit. She was a wonderful cook and I loved having Sunday dinner every week when they lived close by.I remember one summer day when I was probably 19 or 20 laying on her bed talking to her about some of the decisions I was making. I remember her just telling me do the right thing and I would be happy. It was as simple as that, do that right thing. I could see the look of sadness in her eyes because she new I wasn't planning to do the right thing, because at that phase in my life I would have never admitted to not knowing everything and doing the wrong thing felt so much easier than changing my life. I should have taken her advice that day, it would have saved me more heartache than I will probably ever know. My Grandma died this past November, and in death she taught me an invaluable lesson. I learned to never take the people we love for granted. I have lived in Utah for four years now and I wish with all my heart that I would have visited her more in that time. I think we all tend to get wrapped up in the busyness of life, and most of what we are busy with are not the most important things. She is gone now, and I can't just get in the car and drive up for an afternoon visit. I wish I would have done that more! Luckily for me, we have the blessing of being an eternal family, so one day, if I play my cards right, I will have the chance for more afternoon visits with her.


Grammy said...

I love this wonderful woman, too. She certainly had a huge influence on who I am today. Grandma Clark held no gile for anyone. She was always sweet, and cheerful, and wanted to make everyone happy. She sacrificed much for her family. she is the one I called when my own mother was in the hospital dying. She was one of my best friends. We are so lucky to have her in our lives!

Janessa Couch said...

That is very sweet.

Kathy said...

She was a very special lady. I remember her visiting Corcoran a few times when I was there house sitting and she always made me feel special. She remembered my name from one visit to another.