Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Lately I have been working a 9-7 shift so I have some time with Ava in the mornings. I really enjoy getting to spend time with her in the mornings. She loves to cuddle when she first wakes up so we usually just lay around for a little while. We get to eat breakfast together too! I try and cherish every moment that I get with her because there doesn't seem to be enough of them lately. In my perfect world I would get to be with her all day every day, but that isn't the case right now. I can't believe how much I miss while I am at work. I try not to think about this very much because it breaks my heart. I am just so thankful that she spends her time somewhere where she is happy and loved! Anyway, I had Heidi take this picture of us this morning with our hats. Ava wanted to wear a hat like me today. She is just so dang cute!


Jamie and Family said...

Jules, you are both too cute! Are you happy back at Jamba? Fun to see updates again!


Chris Grover said...

What a cute picture of you two! I can't believe how much Ava is growing up! And I really admire how you handle everything on your plate. I'm sure it must be really hard at times, but you are such a good mom!

Grammy said...

Two very cute girls! I love you both. I am so proud of you, my jewels, for all you do. There is much for you to deal with, and you just work so hard to do it all. You will never regret any time spent with your daughter. I know I don't! Keep up the good fight!