Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks.....

I have been thinking about making a gratitude list all month, so here it goes........

1. My testimony of The Gospel of Jesus Christ - My testimony has really undergone some remodeling this past year, but I am so thankful to have it! It is the most important thing that I will ever have. It gives me the strength to find the silver lining of even the darkest cloud. I feel so lucky to know that I am a daughter of God and that he loves me no matter what.
2. My Ava - I can't believe that I have been a Mom for 5 years. It has gone by so fast and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. BUT, even though it has been the most challenging thing I have ever done, it has brought me more JOY than I ever could have imagined. She is my compass and I love her more than I could ever express.
3. My family -I have been so blessed with two of the most amazing parents who have taught me some very valuable lesson, and two beautiful sisters who make my life fun.
4. My niece and nephews. They are special gifts in my life and I love them oh so very much. They are all so different and some of my biggest blessings.
5. Sharon and Brad - I don't know how I would make it with out them as part of my family. They have truly been gifts from God to me and have contributed greatly to the person I am today. They have made what could have been some very lonely times in my life some of the happiest memories I will have.
6. A warm safe place to live. Food to eat and clothes to wear.
7. Good Friends

My life is so blessed I could never make a sufficient list. Happy Thanksgiving!!


Janessa Couch said...

It is amazing when you actually sit down to write your blessings and relize how truly blessed you are. I love how you called Ava your compass, so true.

Grammy said...

I love your thankful list. You are such a great example, Julie. I am so thankful to be your mom and for all the ways you have taught me and enriched my life. I love you!