Sunday, February 03, 2008

Food for Thought

I have been thinking about how President Hinckley has had an affect on my life through out the past week and the biggest thing that I could think of to share is the book Stand a Little Taller. Three years ago I made the choice to become an active Latter Day Saint and it was a HUGE change for me.   Not only was I changing the way I lived my life on a day to day basis but I had changed my surroundings as well and add to that a 2 month old baby.  WOW, talk about identity crisis!  I found this book in my Grandpa's office and was really drawn to it.  It became a part of my daily life.  I was spiritually hungry and this fed my hunger and gave me something to ponder the teachings of the gospel.  We are so blessed to live in time where we have the teachings of a latter day prophet and the many wonderful prophets who where here on the earth before us right at our finger tips.  This book has truly made a difference in my life and my testimony.  If you don't have your own copy I recommend you put it on your list of must haves. I want to share the thought from yesterday, cause it is one of my favorites.

Life in Christ
If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
Luke 9:23

The Lord declared: "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it" (Matthew 10:39).  These words have something more than a cold theological meaning.  They are a statement of a law of life - that as we lose ourselves in a great cause we find ourselves - and there is no greater cause than that of the Master. 

Wow!  Isn't that an amazing and true concept.  I want to thank the many people who have taken the opportunity to give service to me and Ava.  Our lives have truly been enriched by your service and I could not make it without the many act of love and kindness that have been offered on our behalf.


Kori said...

Well said! He is a man that will always be in our hearts. The gospel is amazing. I can't imagine my life without it. But, it is a big decision to live its principles. A decision I am so happy I made and so happy you made. Thanks for your great example!

Unknown said...

I am so glad you are blogging. You have great insight- thanks for these thoughts.

Carlotta said...

Totally with you on this post Julie. ;)

Grammy said...

Jewels, you are so amazing! What a great post. The light of Christ is totally emanating from your words and thoughts. And you personally found your life (by making changes) and lost it (the old way of life) for the sake of Christ and then TRULY found it (in your new way of living). Just look at all the marvelous things that are going on in your life. You have been blessed beyond measure, and the blessings will keep coming because you are making great choices in your life. Stay close to the Savior. He will always be your friend, your protector, and your advocate. He loves you like no other (except for maybe your mom!).