Wednesday, May 21, 2008

100 Random Things That Make Me Happy

1. Ava
2. Hearing the kids laugh when they are playing together
3. The smell of rain
4. My ipod
5. Hot shower after a long day
6. The smell of clean laundry
7. My new Aveda shampoo and conditioner.  I have soft hair for the first time EVER
8. New shoes that make you feel like a million bucks when you wear them
9. Old pictures that bring back memories
10. Clean sheets
11. Going to the movies
12. Working out
13. Getting a hard earned good grade
14. When Ava tells me how cute I am 
15. Katie
16. Hugs from my Mom
17. Watching my Dad with Ava
18. The random texts I get through out the day
19. Laughing on the phone with Tricia
20. Jamba Juice
21. Lemon Sour Cream pie from Marie Calendars
22. Money in the bank or my pocket
23. New clothes 
24. Home made orange rolls
25. Pizza
26. Girls night out
27. Savannah, Cooper, and Luka
28. Sunsets
29. Swimming
30. Pedicures
31. Bright Pink toe nail polish
32. Slippers
33. Reading
34. Hot baths
35. Church on Sunday
36. My upcoming trip to the temple
37. Strawberries dipped in sour cream and brown sugar
38. My new size 6 jeans
39. The amazing race
40. Hugs from Ava
41. My laptop
41. The smell of fresh cut grass
42. The smell of my grandma clarks house
43. The memory of the day Becca was born
44. Bath and Body Works
45. Christmas trees
46. Doing nice things for people
47. Baby smell
48. Cuddling with Ava
49. When Ava talks in her sleep, it always make me laugh
50.  Newborn babies
51. Emails from Chris
52. Pei Wei
53. Sugar Cookies
54. The beach
55. Pineapple
56. Cold Stone
57. Holding hands
58. Music
59. Going to school
60. Massages
61. Mint lotion on my feet
62. Summer nights
63. Hot Chocolate
64. The smell of coffee
65. Black shirts
66. Boy smell
67. Warm fuzzy socks
68. Cute pajamas
69. My hot pink chi hair straightener
70. Breathe Romance from Bath and Body Works
71. Satin Hands from Mary Kay
71. Quiet time alone
72. Accomplishing a goal
73. Diet Dr. Pepper
74. Marie Digbys Unfold CD
75. Cereal
76. Bracelets
77. The fact that I have finally quit biting my nails
78. Flip flops
79. Tahiti Sweetie lotion
80. Porch Swings
81. Pictures from Ava
82. Daisies
83. Makeup
84. Disneyland
85. Baby horses
86. The smell of fresh cut hay
87. My family
88. Dessert at the Dodo
89. Steal Magnolia's
90. Laughing
91. BBQ's
92. Sharon and Brad
93. Going for walks 
94. Sleeping
95. When my house is actually clean
96. Tulips
97. Summer
98. Singing 
99. Starry skies
100. Chocolate, duh!


Grammy said...

Isn't life grand, Julie? There are so many things in which we can find joy. I am so glad you recognize these rich blessings.

Chris Grover said...

this is a priceless list! i started doing lists like this a few years ago whenever i was feeling a little down in the dumps and it's amazing how quickly it picks me up to recognize all of the blessings i have. and it seems to always be the little things in life that make us happy, huh? by the way, who is chris?! i like the name, but don't know who he is...:)

Janessa Couch said...

I can not wait to hear about your trip to the temple. That is wonderful! I too love so many of the same things that you like. Bath and Body Works is one of my favorite stores also. Wow, size 6 pants, what an accomplishment.

Unknown said...

So glad to see my name on there HEE HEE. NOw you can add the IPOD cam on Beccas computer:)