Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother Day!

Aren't mothers seriously the greatest? I can't even imagine life with out my mother. She is the one person in the world I can go to and feel like everything is safe. She is the only one who can erase a bad day with just a hug and she always hugs me as long as I need, there is no time limit! She has taught me so many things, but most importantly she has taught me how to be a mother. I follow in her footsteps in so many ways with the way I do things with Ava. Of course I do a few things differently, who doesn't? My fondest memories of my mother are of her tucking me into bed at night. I even have a memory of being rocked in the rocking chair in the wigdal house. She would always do our special kisses with me (I still do them with Ava) and she would sing the most beautiful lullaby. It was our special time together. My mother has always known how to handle me. I was not always very easy to deal with and I think she knew that I just needed to be myself without being over bearing. I am so thankful that she never gave up hope that I would find my way in life one day. She always loved me! She walked with me through some of the darkest hours of my life and when the time was right she helped lead me to the light. Thanks Mom for all your loving guidance and all that you have taught me! I love you more than my luggage!


Grammy said...

I am very touched by your sweet words. I love you so much and it is my privilege to be your mother. Being the "Mom" has always been my favorite job! I am so proud of you and all you are doing with your life. You are an amazing mother to Ava. No one could love her the way you do. She is a very lucky little girl!

Unknown said...