Friday, May 09, 2008

In my daughter eyes........

I got the cutest mothers day card yesterday from Ava.  The picture of her on the front was pricelss, typical Ava cheesy grin, and the pictures she drew on the inside so cute.  She drew a picture of me and her.  I love the way she is starting to draw people.  There were questions inside that she answered about me.  She did a pretty good job with her answers, she knows me pretty well.  I was quite impressed.  Here is what she had to say.....

1. My mom is 26 years old.
2. She is 8 ft. tall. (don't I wish)
3. She weighs 6 pounds (so glad she didn't say 600)
4. Her favorite food is ice cream, chicken, cereal, soup (hmmm all pretty accurate accept the soup, that is a little random)
5. She likes to watch TV at night, and go to the beach (both true)
6. She doesn't like macaroni and cheese, when I hit (I do like mac n cheese)
7. She is working while I'm at school
8. I like it when my Mom takes me to the sucker store (other wise known as Jardines, and we go at least once a day)

Then she did her version of her name at the bottom.  So cute and it seriously made my day yesterday!

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