Sunday, August 10, 2008

Lesson on Love

Love.  It is a strange thing.  I don't think there is one way to really define it.  There are many types of love we experience through the course of our lives.  There is the love you feel for your friends, your neighbors, your family, your children, your spouse.  There are the emotions of "falling" in love and being totally consumed by love.  There are just so many wonderful ways that we can experience the emotion of love through the course of a lifetime.  There is one very specific moment in my life were I really feel like I new what love was.  Ya know the kind of love that is enduring, requires sacrifice on behalf of another, is completely unconditional, and lasts truly for a life time.  I will take you back to the day.  August 10, 2002.
This is the day my niece Savannah was born.  I was living in Long Beach at the time and was not going to miss this event for anything in the world.  My sister was scheduled to be induced that day so I started the drive that morning.  I barely made the big event.  She was born way faster than I anticipated.  I ran into the room just in time to be apart of such a beautiful day.  The thing that stands out to me the most about this day is the spirit I felt that day.  It was a gift, because I was so not worthy of it.   A gift that will always hold a special part of my heart.  I just remember watching my sister and thinking that she was the most amazing person I knew.  I went home that night and of course couldn't sleep, but I remember laying there are thinking, WOW that is what love is.  Love at first sight. The love between a mother, father and there child.  The first look that you will never in your lifetime forget.  There is just no adequate way to truly describe it!  Today that special girl turned six!  I can't believe it.  I have had the experience this love twice since the first time six short years ago. But still today Savannah is so very special to me.  There is nothing like a niece and I love Savannah to death.  Happy Birthday sweet girl!  I love you.


Unknown said...

Thank you for that sweet post. It made me cry- I am so glad you were there:)

Grammy said...

Ditto to Katie. You are amazing Julie. You are a wonderful aunt to Savannah, and didn't we have a great time welcoming her into the world! I know If said it before, but there is just a special love that you have for your sister's kids. (Even if they call you a "mean Witch" sometimes!)