Sunday, March 02, 2008


My cousin Kori tagged me forever ago and I am just barley getting to it.  Sorry Kori!

Attached or Single -  Single
Cake or Pie -  Definitely pie
Day of Choice - any day with no school and no work, or days when I get even an hour all to myself and don't have to answer one question ;)
Essential item - my make up bag, or you could call it my "bag of tricks"
Favorite color - black or blue 
Gummy bears or worms - bears (white and red ones)
Hometown - Corcoran CA
January or July - July
Kids - Ava Illene age 3 going on 23
Life isn't complete without - hugs and kissed from my sweet girl
Anniversary - see question 1, I am single 
Siblings - one little sis and one older sis, and 9 steps
Oranges or Apples - honestly neither, but if I had to pick it would be apples
Phobia or Fear - being alone forever
Quote - "There are two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle."  Albert Einstein
Reason to Smile - the semester is half way over
Season of Choice - Spring
Unknown fact about me - hmmm can't think of anything interesting
Veggies - asparagus, brocoli, squash, peas, green beans, peas..... I guess you could say I an a veggie kind of girl
Worst habbit - biting my nails
X Rays or Ultrasound - ultrasound with Ava
Favorite Food - I can't decide
Zodiac Sign - Virgo 


Kori said...

Glad you played along. I think tags like this are fun!

Jamie and Family said...

Ha ha ha, I'm stealing your "bag of tricks" saying. That is so funny and true for me. No eyes......EYES!