Saturday, March 29, 2008

THIS is my JOY!

Ava came home today!  I can't even describe what it is like to hug and kiss her after 10 days. It is always hard when we make the switch but she is a trooper.  She did cry when she said good bye to her Dad but seems to be perfectly fine now.  I have flown a lot with Ava these past few months and it has been pretty interesting.  She seems to have a hard time with the whole taking off and landing thing.  Today was the second time that she threw a kicking screaming fit when it was time to land.  And what is even worse is what she freaks out about.  She lays on the floor screaming that she is going to poop in her pants!  It is so embarrassing!  The first time I was totally stressed cause what if she really did have to poop, but what can I do when the plane is landing!  The first time she did this I rushed of the plane as quickly as I could to get her to the bathroom and then she was like "oh I don't have to go to the bathroom,"  like she had never even expressed the need. Today when she pulled the same stunt I was not stressed cause I will not be fooled twice.  But it was still a bit on the humiliating side.  Katie got her some goggles for summer and she was so excited that she wanted to wear them in the tub tonight.  When I put them on her I seriously laughed so hard that I cried, she look so funny in them!  What did I do for entertainment before her?  She is definitely the JOY of my life everyday.


Grammy said...

What a cutie pie! She is hilarious! Hopefully, she will settle down on the flying issues. Duck tape works well, though, if she keeps the verbal comments coming. :)

Carlotta said...

Although I would die it is hilarious! I am sure it is the pressure on her stomach that makes her feel that way. I love it. Needless to say I am always grateful when you post about Ava coming or going. By no means do I ever wish this transition upon anyone. =/ It makes me feel better when I read your posts and seeing that you have similar feelings and experiences. *sigh* Cameron wants Aly 2wks on and off this summer! AHHH! I hate the idea but I bite my tongue and "give in" cause I know she would want to. Just stinks since I feel like I have no control. oh well. What to do , right? It's hard when she comes home and says she doesn't want to be with me. =( I'm sure I could go on forever! !!!!!
Just realives me when I see I'm not the only one even though I certainly know I am not. Thanks Julie.