Friday, March 21, 2008

Flash Back Friday

Well I figured that since I never got around to posting easter pictures last year that I would post some today! I won't have any for this year, cause I didn't even celebrate early with Ava this year. There was no easter basket, no new toys, and no new dress. We did do the disney on ice thing and we did dye some easter eggs last weekend. I just feel like she doesn't need to get everything twice. She will be spoiled enough by her California family and I just have to get used to the fact that I have to share some things and that it is okay. I can still be a good mom if I don't do every single thing bigger and better. I think that I have been trying to compensate for our situation with things and the fact of the matter is that we are great with out them. I do want to share with her the message of why we have this beautiful holiday. It is the celebration of an event that gives us all hope! We all need the atonement and without it nothing else would matter. It is an amazing gift that I never want to take for granted and most of all I don't want my beautiful little girl to take it for granted. The gifts that we have been given by a loving Heavenly Father are truly the most important and I am so thankful that he loved us enough to sacrifice his son so that we all have the chance to return one day!


Unknown said...

I can't believe how different the kids look either- are you sure that was only last year?

Grammy said...

Julie, you are so right! We don't have to try to do every thing bigger and better. The kids are smart enough to figure that game out. They are also perceptive to our love, teachings of true principles, and what things are truly of value in our lives. You are doing a GREAT job with your daughter. The kids are so cute! They sure have changed a lot in a year.

Chris Grover said...

julie, you have such a good outlook on things. and you're right, this holiday is about so much more than the material things we give our kids. thanks for sharing!

Carlotta said...

Oh again I know what you feel. Aly came home and asked if the Easter Bunny came to our house. Told her that He only visits one house per kid. I have to remind myself that I need to keep her grounded and that all the gifts and worldly things just teach her that love is a bought thing and not something that is gained through sacrifice and time. Someday I have to remind myself that she will see what I do is also good and it isn't the same as her dad but it is just different. Oh the things we learn.

heidi said...

The kids really have grown, its amazing how much difference a year makes.
If your doing the best you can the it has to be good enough. Ava knows that you love her, what could be more important then that.