1. What did you do in 2008 that you had never done before?
I took a beginners weight training class this last semester. It was pretty interesting, but I didn't quite get all that I wanted to from it. I had two different teachers that did things very differently, so I didn't quite get a routine work out that I wanted to. But that being said it was still the perfect way to learn a few things that I would not have other wise learn and I it did help me step out of my comfort zone a little!
2. Did you keep any new years resolutions and will you make any new ones for 2009?
I did actually make and keep a few new years resolutions for 2008. I really wanted to lose some weight and get into shape. Katie, my Mom and I joined weight watchers the end of February and I was able to drop 20 pounds by June. I also made going to the gym a regular habit. Going to the gym has become a kind of "therapy" for me. It is a great way to clear my head and relieve a little stress. I also decided that I wanted to prepare for and go to the temple. It was a great learning process for me. I have grown to love and respect my bishop so much through this process. He has given me some great advice and words of wisdom this past year. The most recent insight he has given me is that no one progresses in a straight vertical line. We all have peaks and valleys along our paths and that as long as we can connect the peaks into that upward line of progression we will be okay. I really loved that and have thought of it very often over the past few months. As for 2009........ I really want to get more A's than B's next semester. I have also decided to run the Salt Lake City half marathon on April 18th. I start my official "training" next Monday. This is going to take A LOT of work for me to accomplish but I am really excited about it! Wish me luck!
Some of the many people who came to support me at the temple in June.
Me after losing 20 pounds
3. Did anyone close to you die?
Yes, very sad to say that my sweet Grandma Clark passed away in November. It has been a really hard thing to go through. It is always hard to lose some one that you love dearly, but it has taught the great lesson of not taking the people we love for granted and to love them as fully as I can daily. My life was truly blessed by her and all the love that she has shown to me through out my life. I am so grateful that we are an eternal family and that I will one day be with her again. Love you Grandma!
4. What countries did you visit?
Well, I didn't travel outside of the country, but I did go on a few fun vacations. Sharon and I went to Hawaii in May and had soooooo much fun. I went to Arizona a few times to visit my Mom and Becca. I also to a fun trip river rafting with Katie, Ryan, Becca, Nick and Chris this summer. Ava and I also spent a fun weekend in California at Disneyland.
Me and Sharon in Hawaii
Thanksgiving in Arizona at my Mom's
Everyone in Jackson Hole
Disneyland with Tricia and Lola
5. What would you like to have more of in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
I would like to keep things a little more organized and less stressful.
6. What was your biggest achievement in 2008?
Definitely without a doubt it is going back to school. I just finished my second semester back. I am so glad that I made this huge decision and then followed through with it! I have learned so much and not just book smarts, but about myself too.
7. What do you wish you would have done more of in 2008?
Definitely would be spending more quality time with Ava. It is so easy to get wrapped up in doing other things. I want to spend more time with her playing games, reading stories, bowling, swimming, the park........ I guess just more of the things that she enjoys. She is growing so fast and I don't want to take having her for granted because I know that in the blink of an eye she will be all grown up!
8. What do you wish you would have done less of?
Worrying about things that I have no control of.
9. Did you fall in love in 2008?
Yes I did fall head over heels in love. And even though I got my heart broken I don't regret that I did fall in love. It was amazing.
10. What did you do on your birthday?
My birthday was my first day of school this year. So I went to school all day. Later Chris brought over a Nielsens frozen custard with a candle in it and him and Ava sang happy birthday to me. The day before Sharon and Co. took me and Ava to dinner at Bennihanna's which was way way way fun! I think that I will always remember my 27th birthday as one of my favorites!
Me blowing out my candle. The funny part is that they brought me banana ice cream and I HATE bananas!
11. What kept you sane?
Diet Dr. Pepper, Sharon, the gym, being able to escape into a good book!
12. What is the most valuable lesson you learned this year?
Oh my! How can I pick just one. I have learned so many! I have learned that some times you have to take a giant leap of faith even when you are scared out of your mind. I learned this through quitting my job and going back to school. I was totally scared when I realized I had just picked up my last pay check at Jamba Juice and had major second thoughts about what I was doing, but I stuck to the plan and it has been one of the best life changes I could have ever made. I have learned that if you have something really important to say to some one you should say it when you have the chance because you might not have a chance tomorrow, next week or next month. I am hoping to never have to regret not telling some one how I really feel ever again because it is a heavy load to carry. But I think that most important thing I have learned this year is to love myself!
13. Quote a song lyric that sums of the year: you can't give up when your looking for a diamond in the rough
I haven't checked your blog in awhile and I love all the pictures of Dancing With the Stars! I am jealous of that and of your nre cool room!
I really love this post. You are such an amazing woman. I am so proud of you and how you have taken hold of life. I know you will always find the joy. Just keep moving forward, Jewels. It has been quite a year!
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